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CanSkate is SkateCanada`s flagship program and is one of the most sought-after skating programs in Canada. It has been developed over time using feedback from coaches, sport science and Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) experts. The focus is to master strong basic skills in a progressive manner and develop the speed, strength and flexibility needed for all ice sports – hockey, ringette and figure skating. The skater to coach ratio is low (10:1 or less) in order to ensure individual attention and continuous advancement through the program.

The fundamental movements of skating are arranged into three areas called Balance, Control and Agility - the ABC's of skating:

Skate Forward and forward moving Extreme, Spins & Spirals and Hockey/Ringette skills

Stop, Skate Backward and backward moving Extreme, Speed, Spins & Spirals and Hockey/Ringette skills

Turn, Jump and Turn and jumping skills from Extreme, Spins & Spirals and Hockey/Ringette skills.

There are six stages of skating skills development, plus an introductory level called Pre-Canskate. Skaters progress through these stages at their own rate, and advance to the next stage upon completion of the previous one.

For more information, please download our CanSkate brochure: SkateCanada_CanSkate-Brochure_Eng_form.pdf


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