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On Ice Expectations
In order to maintain the highest standard of safety on the ice and to ensure adequate working conditions for all skaters, it is expected that all skaters will abide by the following rules. These rules will be enforced reasonably by club executive and by the coaches. Any infraction may warrant an initial warning. Any serious infraction will result in a skater being suspended for the remainder of the day.
1. No drinks, food or gum are permitted at the ice level.
2. Only water bottles are acceptable.
3. prevent accidents, skaters must keep moving during all skating sessions. When a fall occurs, skaters are encouraged to get up immediately.
4. Inappropriate language on or off the ice (in the dressing room) will not be tolerated.
5. Be courteous to your fellow skaters. Please read Ice Etiquette Policy regarding the courtesy guidelines for our club.
6. Respond immediately and courteously to directions of the coaches.
7. The CBSSC will not be responsible for any injuries sustained during the skating seasons.
8. Do not leave valuables of any kind in the dressing rooms. The club will not assume any liability for loss.
9. Skaters unable to attend a session must notify their coach.
10. Skaters are expected to be on time for their sessions.
11. Skaters must receive permission from a coach to leave the ice during a session.
12. All skaters on the session are required to participate in stroking, as scheduled, unless excused by a coach.
13. Appropriate skating attire must be worn on the ice at all times. No jeans, scarves, loose clothing or hooded sweaters.
14. Tissues must be disposed of properly in a garbage container.
15. Guards must be worn off the ice to protect the blades.
16. Skaters are asked to have their music available prior to the start of each session.
17. Dressing rooms must be cleared of any debris after each session. Failure to do so may result in the loss of dressing room use.
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