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Guest Skater Policy
Learn to Skate
CanSkate • AcademySkate • Adult-TeenSkate • CanPowerSkate
The CBS Skating club does not offer guest skating opportunities in our Learn to Skate sessions. If you are interested in Learn to Skate sessions, please sign-up for the upcoming season during our registration periods.
Figure Skating
STARSkate • CompetitiveSkate
All STARskaters and Competitive skaters are welcomed to guest skate at the CBS Skating Club under the following policies.
1. All guest skaters must email the club ahead of time and receive confirmation in writing to reserve their spot.
2. Skaters may only guest skate on session that is not at it’s maximum capacity of skaters.
3. Skaters can only guest skate on a session for which the meet the requirements.
4. The cost of guest skating for CBS Club members and partial members is $15.00 per Freeskate session or $20.00 per Freeskate and accompanying Group Session.
5. The cost of guest skating for non-CBS Club members is $20.00 per Freeskate session or $25.00 per freeskate and accompanying Group Session.
6. All guest skating fees must be paid prior to the start of the session.
7. There will be no guest skating permitted for non-CBS Club members 1 week (the Sunday before) before a competition of which skaters on that sessions will be competing.
8. Coaches of guest skaters are welcomed to accompany their skater on the session.
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