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CBS Skating Club's Privacy Policy
Personal Information
Personal information is information about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes information that relates to their personal characteristics (e.g., gender, age, income, home address or phone number, ethnic background, family status), their health (e.g., health history, health conditions, health services received by them) or their activities and views (e.g., religion, politics, opinions expressed by an individual, an opinion or evaluation of an individual). Personal information, however, does not include business information (e.g., an individual’s business address and telephone number), which is not protected by privacy legislation.
Personal information will only be collected by CBS Skating Club to meet and maintain the highest standard of organizing and programming the sport of Figure Skating. Our club collects personal information from members, partial members, coaches, officials, participants, team managers and volunteers for purposes that include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Name, address, phone number, cell phone number, fax number and e mail address for the purpose of communicating about programs, events and activities.
- NCCP number, education, resumes and experience for database entry at the Coaching Association of Canada to determine level of certification and coaching qualifications. Skate Canada number to determine level of certification, coaching qualifications and registration confirmation for appropriate level of pay.
- Personal health information including provincial health card numbers, allergies, emergency contact and past medical history for use in the case of medical emergency.
- Athlete information including height, weight, feedback from coaches and trainers, performance results for athlete registration forms, outfitting uniforms, media relations, and various components of athlete and team selection.
If a purpose has not been identified herein, the CBS Skating Club will seek consent from individuals when personal information is used for a purpose not already consented to. This consent will be documented as to when and how it was received.
By providing personal information to the Club, individuals are consenting to the use of the information for the purposes identified in this policy. Personal information such as registration data and athlete information will be retained for a period of two (2) years after an individual has left a program of the CBS Skating Club.
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