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It is our goal to provide a welcoming, safe and healthy atmosphere for all of our skaters, coaches, and volunteers. In order to achieve this, we have committed to developing policies to help with the running of our club. It is our hope that having clear policies for all to follow will help the skating community in Conception Bay South to embrace the joy of skating in a positive environment. 

CBS SC is a not-for-profit skating club that is a member of Skate Canada and is managed by a volunteer Board for the general purpose of providing Skate Canada skating programs for Skate Canada registrants. 

General management of CBS SC is the responsibility of its Board members who are elected by the club’s members to manage the operations of the club in accordance with its constitution and Bylaws. Concerns by club members about general management issues are the responsibility of the club’s Board to review and respond accordingly. 

Skate Canada does not manage individual skating clubs or skating schools, nor intervene with the fulfilment of the mandates of their respective constitution, Bylaws and/or organizational management policies. 

In an effort to mainstream any complaints, disputes or issues, we have developed the following policies and procedures: 

In addition all members must adhere Skate Canada Policies to: 

Skate Canada Code of Ethics This code of ethics applies to all skaters, officials, coaches, employees, board members, volunteers, alumni, and hall of fame members of Skate Canada and its affiliate organizations. This code of ethics also applies to parents and guardians who participate in and observe related activities. 

Safe Sport - Club Dispute Resolution Policy 

Safe Sport - Reporting and Resolution Framework

Safe Sport - Section Dispute Resolution Policy 

Safe Sport - Trans Inclusion Policy 

In order to maintain a respectful, positive atmosphere moving forward, it is mandatory that every CBS SC Board member, and parent take the Respect in Sport Program before commencement of the 2020/2021 skating season. It will be a part of your registration process as it is with other similar sports organizations such as CBR Hockey. 

In addition, all CBS Skating Club Board of Directors must also take the Respect in Sport – Activity Leader Program prior to the start of the skating season. Skate Canada coaches are already mandated to take the Respect in Sport training as well as other ethics courses through Skate Canada and the Canadian Coaching Association. 

All Board of Directors, Coaches, committee coordinators and volunteers must adhere to the following: 

Discipline Process 

Skate Canada - Rule of Two  

In addition, all Board of Directors, Coaches, committee coordinators and volunteers must all Skate Canada policies including follow: 

Conflict of Interest for Directors, Committee Members & Trustees Policy 

Privacy Policy 

Coaches must also follow Skate Canada’s Coaches - Professional Coach Membership Policy 

The CBS Skating Club must also follow Skate Canada Policies: 

Club and Skating School Minimum Operating Standards Policy  

Home Organization Policy 

Safe Sport - Concussion Policy 

Safe Sport - Helmet Use Policy 



Club Policies

Courtesy Guide 

Courtesy is about maintaining mutual respect, being open, collaborating and communicating effectively. 

The difference courtesy makes by applying the 4 principles, in blue below, each of us can keep morale up, remain productive and support good teamwork. 

When these basic rules of conduct are not applied, rude behaviours such as impoliteness, bad manners and disrespect can emerge impacting team spirit, performance and motivation. 

Courteous Discourteous Respect Disrespect 

Courteous Discourteous
Respect Disrespect
  • Being courteous and polite
  • Considering the opinion of others
  • Using a suitable tone of voice
  • Making sarcastic comments
  • Jumping to conclusions without having the facts
  • Starting or spreading rumours
Collaboration Lack of Collaboration
  • Offering support
  • Being constructive
  • Sharing ideas and knowledge
  • Working in silos
  • Being condescending or arrogant
  • Creating interpersonal conflicts
Being Open  Being Closed
  • Supporting change
  • Respecting the culture, beliefs and customs of others
  • Giving others a chance to express themselves
  • Having prejudices
  • Holding on to one's ideas at all costs
  • Not trying to understand the point of view of others
Communicating effectively Communicating Ineffectively
  • Confirming that messages are understood
  • Adopting a pleasant and professional tone of communication
  • Choosing the right communication method (written, verbal) 
  • Speaking or writing in an aggressive manner
  • Making derogatory comments
  • Neglecting to mention relevant information 


To maintain a positive environment, it is important to address concerns about discourtesy directly and as soon as possible to prevent it from escalating. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, please speak with a Board Member or Respect in Sport advocate. 

Below are steps we recommend. 

Step 1: Communicate with the individual concerned When you have a concern, speak directly to the person involved to discuss the undesirable 

behaviour and its harmful effects. Here are some steps we suggest you follow. 

  • Take a step back – When a situation with a member bothers you, don’t react impulsively. Instead, take some time to let your emotions calm and analyze the situation. This could be a few minutes or a few days. 
  • Prepare – It’s important to analyze the cause of the problem and evaluate both sides before having a discussion. The best approach is to avoid perceptions and concentrate on facts. 
  • Pick the right time and place for a conversation – Try to find a moment when you are both free so that you won't be disturbed and meet somewhere private. This will help you have a sincere conversation and ensure confidentiality. 
  Here is an approach we recommend: Example

 - Explain to the person why you want to speak to him or her

-Describe your perception of the situation

-Describe their behaviour without making a judgement or criticizing them

" Yesterday, during our meeting, when you swore several times"

-Describe your feeling about the situation

-Explain the impact the situation has to you

"That made me uncomfortable"

-Clarify your expectations in terms of future situations

-Ask the other person for his or her point of view

-Practice active listening

 "I would appreciate if you would please stop using that kind of language when talking to me"


Tips to keep in mind during the discussion 

  • Speak in the first person: Use sentences that start with “I” rather than “you.” This way, you express your feelings without accusing the other person. 
  • Pay attention to your tone of voice and your non-verbal communication: The person you are speaking to measures the content and the value of your message as follows: 55% non-verbal, 38% tone and 7% words. 
  • Engage in active listening during your discussion: Give your undivided attention and use your body language and gestures to convey your attention

Step 2: If unresolved, follow the Dispute resolution process and contact a board member.

CBS Skating Club Dispute Resolution Policy Process



Skate Canada supports the principles of dispute resolution and is committed to the techniques
of negotiation, facilitation, mediation and arbitration as effective ways to resolve disputes with
and among members. In case of a conflict between Skate Canada members, the individuals
involved in the dispute must make every effort to resolve the conflict amongst themselves.
Where reasonable efforts to resolve the conflict fail, a request may be made to the Board of
Directors of CBS Skating Club or the Club’s Respect in Sport Advocate for assistance to resolve
the dispute.


No person is permitted to disclose either the existence of a complaint or information about the
complaint, except for the purposes of complying with the objectives of the Dispute Resolution
Process. Information shared in the Mediation Process shall be kept confidential.


Application of the Policy

The Dispute Resolution Process shall apply to complaints and disputes that are of personal
significance to the person(s) initiating the complaint and are not sufficiently serious and
significant as to be of general importance to skating and/or of general importance to the overall
ability of Skate Canada and the CBS Skating Club to discharge its primary objective.

The Dispute Resolution Process shall not be used if Skate Canada’a Complaints Policy applies.
In particular, the Dispute Resolution Process should not be used for matters described in
paragraph 9 of the Complaints Policy that are serious and significant, or when a registrant has
made allegations of sexual or discriminatory harassment. Theses complaints should be referred
to the National Complaints Procedure. Safe Sport - Membership Complaints Policy

The Dispute Resolution Process should be initiated as soon as possible after the incident(s) or
conduct which forms the basis for the dispute or the complaint.

The Club may summarily dismiss a complaint and that there shall be no appeal from the Club’s
decision to do so.

Club Resolution Process

CBS Skating Club’s Board of Directors will adhere to the following steps when dealing with
requests made as described above:

1. A club member must present a statement of conflict in writing to the club’s board of

2. The board of directors will then discuss the conflict policy process with the person
issuing the statement of conflict and ask if they wish to move forward. Once the person
issuing the statement has agreed to move forward, they will also be asked whether they
would like to remain anonymous or agree to have their names mentioned when
discussing their concern with all others involved.

3. Once permission has been granted to move forward, the board will then inform all/any
parties involved a statement of conflict has been made to the board concerning them.

4. All involved will receive a copy of the original statement of conflict. Any identifying
information of the original author shall be removed, should they have stated earlier they
wish to remain anonymous. The statement will be forwarded to those concerned for
review and will be required to write a response within a week from the date sent.

5. The President and other members of the core executive (Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Coaches Rep) will then investigate the statement of conflict through
interviews conducted with:
a. Club member submitting the original statement of conflict;
b. Any other parties discussed within statement of conflict;
c. Any other people who may be witness to the alleged conflict.

6. The committee will provide a confidential, written report to all involved, including all
members of the Board of Directors, with a review of:
a. the original statement of conflict;
b. a record of findings during the interview process from all those interviewed;
c. recommendations as to how to properly and appropriately resolve the issue at

7. Both parties involved in the statement of conflict will then be given seven days to inform
the board in writing whether or not they accept the recommendations in the above
mentioned report. Should both parties accept all recommendations the dispute will be
considered resolved. The committee will ensure the matter is resolved by following up
with both parties within six weeks to ensure all are following recommendations made.

8. Should a resolution not be able to be found at the club level, the committee, where the
disputing parties agree, the club may then refer the matter to Skate Canada NL for
assistance, following the Section Mediation Process

9. Should a written statement of conflict be submitted which involves allegations of
misconduct described in the Skate Canada Membership Harassment Policy or the
Complaints Policy, the Club Board of Directors shall also refer it to the National
Complaints Review Officer or a Harassment Officer.

Discipline Process


Employees, contractors and volunteers performance and conduct should contribute to the achievement of the CBS Skating Clubs goals and objectives.

Employees, contractors and volunteers who do not adhere to the rules and procedures of the club or who do not satisfactorily perform their assignments are subject to discipline and/or dismissal from their role. Action may be taken using the following discipline policy.

Disciplinary action shall range from verbal warnings to immediate discharge, depending on the seriousness of the offense in the judgement of the board. Possible grounds for immediate dismissal may include: gross misconduct or insubordination; theft of property or misuse of club
materials; abuse or mistreatment of clients, staff or other volunteers; not abiding by club policies and procedures; and not satisfactorily performing assigned duties. The club will use progressive discipline when appropriate, but may take whatever action it deems necessary to address the
issue at hand. This may mean that more or less severe discipline is imposed in a given situation. While the CBS Skating Club will generally take disciplinary action in a progressive manner, it reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to decide whether and what disciplinary action will be taken in a given situation.

*Serious offences may result in immediate suspension or termination.

Step 1 – Formal Verbal Warning
An employee/contractor/volunteer will be given a verbal warning when a problem is identified that justifies a verbal warning. A brief note of the warning will be kept but, subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance, this would lapse after 6 months. Conduct is expected to improve
within 2 weeks.

Stage 2 – Written Warning
If there is no improvement in standards within the prescribed time, or if a further offence occurs, a written warning will be given. A letter will be sent inviting them to attend a disciplinary meeting within 5 days. The meeting will be an opportunity for both the employee/volunteer (with their
representative) and the board members to talk about the issues or allegations being made. A copy of the written warning should be kept on file but the warning will lapse after 12 months subject to satisfactory conduct and/or performance. Following the disciplinary meeting, it will be
decided if no further action is warranted, or if there is further action to be taken. The employee/contractor/volunteer will be informed in writing. Any training or actions required to
improve performance are the responsibility of the employee/contractor/volunteer.

Stage 3 – Final Written Warning

If the conduct or performance still remains unsatisfactory by the stipulated date, a final written warning will be given, or if the misconduct is sufficiently serious to warrant only one written warning, a final disciplinary meeting will be called with the employee and their representative.
The disciplinary meeting will be an opportunity for the volunteer to answer the issues raised. This meeting establishes that there has been a failure to improve or change behaviour, and may result in suspension and/or dismissal. Any suspension is without pay.

Final Stage – Dismissal

If the employee/contractor/volunteer’s conduct or performance still fails to improve or if further serious misconduct occurs, the final stage in the disciplinary process may be instituted and the employee/contractor/volunteer will be dismissed/terminated. When an employee/contractor/volunteer’s misconduct or poor performance is sufficiently serious such that the employment relationship is irreparably damaged, the employer may terminate the relationship with cause.

Gross Misconduct

Where an employee/contractor/volunteer is found to be involved in gross misconduct, they would be subject to summary dismissal (instant dismissal without notice) and the above procedures regarding progression of warnings will not apply.

Examples of gross misconduct might include:

• deliberate falsification of expenses claims
• disclosure of confidential information (see confidentiality policy)
• convictions of a criminal offence that undermine a person’s suitability for volunteering
• consistently poor attendance on a project, without appropriate notification
• use of abusive or offensive language or behaviour
• bullying or harassment
• being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• theft of property or misuse of equipment or materials
• failure to abide by policies and procedures
• failure to satisfactorily perform assigned duties


Rule of Two


Recommendations for Rule of Two practices:

  • Ensure a Skate Canada coach in good standing is never alone and out of sight with a participant without another Skate Canada coach in good standing or screened adult (parent/guardian or volunteer) present.
  • Allow the in-person training environment to be open to observation. 
  • Ensure a participant rides in a coach’s vehicle with another adult present.
  • Consider the gender of the participant(s) when selecting the Skate Canada in good standing coaches and screened volunteers present.
  • Eliminate one-to-one electronic messaging. Ensure that all communications are sent to the group and/or include parents/guardians.

Recommendations for Rule of Two practices in a Virtual Setting: 

  • The Rule of Two should continue to apply to all minor athletes in the virtual environment during the COVID-19 pandemic (additionally, for those athletes under age 16, a parent or guardian should be present during the session where possible). 
  • We recommend applying the Rule of Two to non-minor athletes, as well, in the current circumstances. 
  • For every session, the Rule of Two would require two Skate Canada coaches in good standing be present and logged-in individually in the virtual classroom, or one Skate Canada coach in good standing and one screened adult (parent, guardian, volunteer, club administrator) in which both are logged-in the virtual classroom – one-on-one sessions is prohibited. 
  • A clear statement of professional standards expected of the coach during calls should be communicated – (i.e., sessions are not social engagements, and should be focused on training/coaching/supporting the development of athletes both physically and mentally). 
  • Parents/guardians should be fully informed beforehand about the activities undertaken during the sessions, as well as the process of the virtual session. 
  • Parents/guardians should be required to consent to virtual sessions prior to each session, if irregularly scheduled, or prior to the first session if there is a series of regularly scheduled sessions. 
  • Communication during each session should be in an open and observable environment (i.e., avoid bedrooms) in the athlete’s home (athlete’s parents’/guardians’ home), and the coach must initiate the session from an appropriate location (i.e., avoid bedrooms or “overly personal”/unprofessional settings). 
  • Recordings are not for public dissemination and should not be posted to public websites or shared with others. The recording of a virtual session should be archived and only be used as a reference if required. 
  • Prohibit one-on-one texting, emailing or online contact between coach and athlete – any texting, emailing or online contact should be limited to group text/email that includes at least two adults (two coaches or one coach and one adult (parent, guardian, volunteer, club administrator), and limited to coaching (non-social) matters, and parents of minor athletes should be provided the opportunity to receive these texts/emails. 
  • Social media contact by coach to athlete should be prohibited (including the sharing of memes, non-training video, etc.). 
  • Encourage parents/guardians to debrief with Under 16 athletes about virtual training on a weekly basis. 

In addition, care should also be taken to ensure that appropriate security settings have been set for virtual, videoconferencing arrangements, including password protected videoconference invitations. 


Payments, Cancellations & Refunds


All prices and purchase invoices are in Canadian dollars ($CDN). All club programs and services offered by the CBS Skating Club are delivered in the province of Newfoundland,

The CBS Skating Club preferred payment form is Credit Card. Other methods can be accepted with approval from


Shipping & Delivery

All items for purchase on the CBS Skating Club’s website are for CBS Skating Club program registrations and related fees only. All programs will take place at the location indicated in the program registration. We do not offer any products for purchase on this site. No products will be shipped or otherwise delivered. No goods will be exported.


Cancelled sessions due to weather will only be made up in the case of facility closure. Make-up sessions will take place at the end of each program, but not necessarily on the day that your child would normally skate - it will depend on ice time availability.

We update our website on a regular basis and if sessions are cancelled due to weather, we will try our best to post it on the website by 2:00 p.m.

If your child misses a session due to sickness, vacation, etc., we do not allow them to make it up on another day. Your child is only permitted to attend the day that they registered for. All of our sessions are normally full and we have a limit as to how many we are allowed to have on the ice at a time. No refunds or credits are provided for missed sessions.

Members are responsible to have their Communication Preferences up to date in their account



Timing CanSkate, STARSkate and Competitive Skate Synchronized Skating Team
Greater than one week prior to the start of the session

Any reason
Full refund

Any reason
Full refund, less:
- $100 Synchro deposit
Less than one week prior to the start of the session Any reason
Full refund, less:
- $150 administration fee*
Any reason
Full refund, less:
- $100 Synchro deposit and
 $150 administration fee*

After first session

Immediate notification to the Club

Medical reasons (with
medical note)
Full refund, less:
- $150 administration fee*
- proration of sessions skated
Medical reasons (with medical note) or Unexpected
closure of facility
Full refund, less:
- $100 Synchro deposit and
 $150 administration fee*
- proration of sessions skated
Unexpected closure of facility Full refund, less:
- proration of sessions skated
- proration of administration
Full refund, less:

- proration of sessions skated
- proration of administration


Note: CanSkaters who are skating their first season with the CBS Skating Club have a trial period of 2 sessions to receive a full refund (Less - $150 administration fee*). Notification must be given to the Club prior to the beginning of the third week of skating weeks.

* Club Administration fees include the SkateCanada membership fee which is non-refundable and non-transferable.


Guest Skating & Partial Members


Update Coming Soon


Ice Show Policies

    1. All skaters taking part in the Ice Show must register by the deadline. Late entries will not be accepted.

    2. Refund requests for Ice Show Participants will only be accepted for 7 days after the registration deadline. After this time refunds will no longer be available.

    3. Skater groupings, music/music length, and costumes will be determined by coaches.

    4. Assigned groups, music and costumes are final.

    5. Associate members of the CBS Skating Club are not eligible to participate in the ice show

      (Associate members who are a member of one of our synchro teams may participate in their

      synchro number only).

    6. During the Dress Rehearsal and Ice Show, only accredited skaters, coaches and parent volunteers

      will be allowed in the dressing rooms or at Ice level. Any parents interested in volunteering must sign up ahead of time and will be assigned a duty.

      Solo Skater Selection Policy

      Objective: To provide the Board of Directors with a criteria for the selection of solo skaters. The

    selection is based on giving priority to the higher level skaters who have had success in competition, as well as having the opportunity to promote lower level skaters who have achieved excellent results.

    Policy Guidelines :

    1. Any changes to this selection criteria is to be made prior to the start of competitions.

    2. Recommendation of solo skaters should be made to the Board of Directors by the Technical

      Director/Ice Show Committee.

    3. The number of solo skaters should be limited to eight. A “solo” would include singles, dance or

      pairs. There will be a maximum of 6 Singles Solos, 1 dance/pairs, and 1 Artistic Awarded. All

      disciplines will follow the criteria listed below.

    4. All solo skaters must be in good standing with the club.

    5. The Technical Director/Ice Show committee/coaches may recommend to the Board of Directors

      additional solos or mini-groups, in extenuating circumstances.

      Criteria for Selection: The basis for the selection criteria is recognition of ranking of skaters by

    competition level combined with medal results. In the case a “tie breaker” is needed, the category with the highest number of entrants will have priority. The awarding of solos is to be limited to Provincial and Sectional medalists, to a maximum of 8 solos.

    Soloists are chosen according to the following list of priorities:

    1. Skaters who qualify for Skate Canada Trophy, Nationals or Canada Winter Games

    2. Gold at Sectionals – Senior to Pre-Novice

    3. Gold at Provincials – Gold to STAR 4

    4. Silver at Sectionals – Senior to Pre-Novice

    5. Silver at Provincials – Gold to STAR 4

    6. Bronze at Sectionals – Senior to Pre-Novice

    7. Bronze at Provincials – Gold to STAR 4

    Category Order for awarding Solos Gold
    STAR 10
    STAR 9

    STAR 8 Juvenile STAR 7 STAR 6 Pre-Juvenile STAR 5 STAR 4

    Additional Ice Show Numbers

    ● CanSkate – Number of Groups based on the number of participants, as decided by the Technical Director and Ice Show Coaches.
    ● STARSkate - Number of Groups based on the number of participants, as decided by the Technical Director and Ice Show Coaches. Recommendations are: STAR 1-2, STAR 3-4, STAR 5 & up for a recommended maximum of 4 Groups. The highest level Group will also be the “Closing Number”.

    ● Opening Number – Consists of all STARSkaters registered in the Ice Show.
    Graduating Number: STARSkaters who are in grade 12 may participate in a graduating mini group.
    ● Synchro – Ice show features are awarded on the basis of competition level and medal results. Features are limited to medalists at the Provincial Championships and Elizabeth Swan. A maximum of 4 teams will be awarded a feature based on the following priorities:

    o Gold at Provincials (Senior to Novice) o Gold at Provincials (Gold to STAR 4)
    o Gold at Provincials (Adult I to Adult III)

    o Gold at Elizabeth Swan (Senior to Novice) o Gold at Elizabeth Swan (Gold to STAR 4)
    o Gold at Elizabeth Swan (Adult I to Adult III) o Silver at Provincials (Senior to Novice)

    o Silver at Provincials (Gold to STAR 4) o Silver at Provincials (Adult I to Adult III)

    o Silver at Elizabeth Swan (Senior to Novice) o Silver at Elizabeth Swan (Gold to STAR 4)
    o Silver at Elizabeth Swan (Adult I to Adult III) o Bronze at Provincials (Senior to Novice)

    o Bronze at Provincials (Gold to STAR 4)
    o Bronze at Provincials (Adult I to Adult III)
    o Bronze at Elizabeth Swan (Senior to Novice) o Bronze at Elizabeth Swan (Gold to STAR 4)

    o Bronze at Elizabeth Swan (Adult I to Adult III)



 Fundraising Policy


Updates Coming Soon




 Program Assistants


Updates Coming Soon




 Synchro Policies 

Synchronized Skating: 

Attendance is extremely important in a team sport like synchronized skating. The skater should clearly understand the commitment to their team, coach and club before the beginning of the season. It is important to note the highest degree of attendance and focus is necessary during the competition season.

Skaters should skate at least one additional session per week aside from their synchronized skating team.

The progress of the team depends on the regular attendance of every skater.  Absences affect the entire team. Each skater has a specific place and role.  One person missing changes the entire routine and placement of skaters. The routine cannot be practiced in the most effective way.

The coach MUST be notified by text or email as soon as possible if a skater must miss a scheduled practice. This allows the coach preparation time to organize the practice for the least amount of disruption for the other members of the team.

Skaters must dress in all black for practices. Snug leggings or tights, non-hooded tops without scarves are to be worn. Hair should be tied back from the skater’s face with fingernails clipped so as to prevent injury to another skater. Jackets and/or gloves may be worn, but will need to be removed whenever advised to so. Medical alert necklaces are preferred to bracelets, if at all possible.

For competitions, skaters are to wear a black fitted zippy embroidered with the club logo as well as black pants to and from the competition site. Only skaters attending out of province competitions may be required to purchase a special practice outfit.

Costumes must be maintained in good condition or the skater will be asked to purchase new items. Skaters are not permitted to wear their team costume for individual use until that synchro program has been retired. Skaters are permitted to sell a costume in any manner only after the program has been retired. By accepting a position on the team, a skater has agreed to not to attempt to sell their costume until it has been retired.

The cost of costumes for an entirely new program, including shipping and alterations, will be shared equally among the team. Any skater leaving the team after costumes have been ordered will be responsible for the payment of their costume.

Any skater leaving a team at the beginning of the second year of a program will be given the opportunity to sell their costume for 50% of the original cost should a new skater require the use of it.  All skaters will try on all available costumes to determine which is the best fit for each individual so as to minimize the need for alterations for the second season of use. Any necessary alterations will be arranged by the team manager.  Any alteration costs will be divided equally among the existing team. Any skater requiring a new costume will be responsible for paying 100% of the cost.

The team, if in full agreement, may attempt to sell the costumes as a package deal after the program has been retired. 

The use of cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted during on and off ice practices or at competitions while engaged in organized team activities. Managers will not collect phones.

A skater’s performance, both on and off the ice, must be acceptable to the coach for the skater to be eligible to participate in competitions. Skaters are required to attend all off ice and on ice practices, including any additional practices scheduled outside of the regularly allotted time slots.  Additional practices, if deemed necessary, will be scheduled with as much notice as possible.  Additional costs will also be charged to each skater to cover extra ice and coaching fees.

Tryouts will be held in April every year for all teams. Skaters are permitted to try out and skate on more than one team.  Skaters, once offered a position on a team, will be given an offer letter with a deadline for accepting their positions in writing.  A non-refundable deposit of $100 per team is due immediately upon written acceptance in order for a skater’s team position to be confirmed.

All skaters must attend all competitions in which the team participates, unless permission has been given in writing by the coach before the season begins.  All skaters are required to be respectful at all times while at a competition.

Each skater’s club and team account must be current for a skater to be eligible to try out for a team and skate in competitions. Team managers will be responsible for sending an itemized budget at the beginning of every season. A schedule of payments to the team account will be provided at the same time of team budget release in October of the upcoming season. No refunds will be issued if a skater is either dismissed or leaves the team. Their account must be paid in full to remain in good standing with Skate Canada.

Skaters with full spots on two teams will pay full registration for both teams.  They are also responsible for the full share of competition registration, coaching fees, coach and manager travel expenses, apparel and so forth for each position they hold.

Skaters holding an alternate position will pay 50% of club registration for the team on which they are an alternate. They are responsible for paying full fees, as mentioned above, for any full team position they hold in addition to that of the alternate position.

Coaching fees and travel expenses, for a coach and one team manager, for a competition will be divided equally between all team skaters attending the competition. Any skater choosing to skate on two teams will be responsible for paying an equal share of fees for each team they represent. Other expenses, such as choreography, hair supplies, makeup and so forth will also be divided equally among all members of each team.

By completing and signing the Synchronized skating team agreement, I/We agree to pay the full registration fee to the club at the time of registration for the upcoming season, regardless of how many sessions are actually attended. 

I/We understand that in addition to the regular dues, there will be additional financial commitments specific to the team.  All bills must be paid as directed by the Team Manager and/ or Fundraising Treasurer. A detailed payment schedule will be made available at the beginning of the season.  I/We understand that all skaters are expected to make deposits to their team account prior to competition.  No account will be permitted to be in arrears.

I/We have read and understood the contents of this policy.  I/We agree to comply with the practices and principles outlined and understand and accept consequences for non-compliance.




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